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You remain huddled in the dark under the piano pondering the next move. Staying in the shadows you slowly crawl out looking for a way to safely escape this room. The peculiar frantic scratching has begun again, the sound coming from every direction. Then it stops as quickly as it had begun.

Your attention has returned to a way of escape when you notice something of interest across the room hidden in the shadows. Leaving the hiding place you investigate the object and find it to be a large mirror partially hidden by old tapestry. There is something odd about the way it reflects and you reach out to touch its surface.

A sudden feeling of vertigo and weightlessness has come over you upon touching the mirror surface. Slowly and painlessly you are pulled into the mirror and then experience a dizzying and terrifying acceleration of speed in and out of lighted twisting tunnels. Fearing the end will result in bone crushing bloody impact you simply close your eyes and scream.

What happened?

Frightbytes The Dead of Night content copyright © 2020 (or Until Hell Freezes Over)
by M. Buck, All Rights Reserved