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You have picked the hallway on the right. As you run you try to open each door passed but all are locked. Your legs feel heavy and slow. The lunatic horde is close. Only one door is left before the hallway dead ends. You're relieved to find this door opens. You quickly slam it shut and lock it. The asylum inmates pound at the door but to no avail. You can hear them viciously turn on each other. The hall becomes a slaughterhouse. Blood slowly seeps through the bottom of the door.

Lighting candles you are in what appears to be an office that had been used by the medical staff. There are medical journals scattered about and an abundant supply of medications.

Your attention is drawn to the desk. There is a film projector and a few patient folders sitting on the desk. Looking around the room there is an old makeshift screen for viewing films. Turning back to the desk you open a file folder and a note falls out.

Picking up the note you examine the projector again and find it's still functional, but there is no film reel.

Read the note

Frightbytes The Dead of Night content copyright © 2020 (or Until Hell Freezes Over)
by M. Buck, All Rights Reserved