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The entrance of the Chamber of Horrors opens up to a Carnival Merry-Go-Round being enjoyed by what appears to be Zombies. You spin around as a loud voice startles you.

"Hello! Jack Splat at your service. That's my Nightmare name ya know. I got shot out the Carnival cannon a long time ago and well, ya know, got splattered all over the place. Customers got real mad about that. Boy did I make a mess! I still get top billing here because every night I get splattered all over the place AGAIN! What a NIGHTMARE! It hurts like mad, but that little brat thinks it's really funny. You'll probably run into her. Bet she already knows you're here. She's in cahoots with the Night Hag. The girl gets rewarded for any Dreamers she can help to catch. Night Hag really likes eyes and the girl really likes to trap souls. These Zombies are what's left of the Dreamers that don't make it out of here. And the zombies are the lucky ones. You'll see what I mean when you see what happened to the really unlucky dreamers. If I were a gambling man, which I am, I'd say your chances are about as good as me not getting splattered ever again. Zero. Enjoy the Chamber of Horrors. I'm sure we'll be meeting again when you're one of these rotten zombies. Now I must get ready for my show. See ya!"

Better keep moving

Continue the Nightmare

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by M. Buck, All Rights Reserved