Frightbytes Zombie Text Adventure

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Shuffling into the movie theater with other zombies darkness is the only thing that greets you. Some zombies never come out, and spend the rest of their zombie lives hopelessly trapped in the dark.

As you exit the movie theater you bump into another zombie. Something is familiar about this one. It winks at you with it's one remaining eye. You've met before. With your last bit of resolve you grab the other zombies hand. It falls off. No matter, the zombie feels the same way you do. You take the zombie's remaining hand (which stays on) and holding hands you both amble off as happy as two zombies could ever possibly be.

You set up your home in the Crate and Barrel store and spend your last remaining days there.

You reached your life expectancy as a zombie - one year. You and your zombie mate putrify in each others arm (and I do mean "arm"). Not a bad way to go as a zombie.

Select a different story path below

You have successfully completed one of three story paths.
There are two different storylines to experience that take you to different locations and scenarios. Once you make a selection you'll get a short introduction to that storyline and then be on your way. At the end of that storyline you'll once again be presented to choose other storylines. Try all three!

Select your poison's delicious!

MYSTERY PATH (click here)

MYSTERY PATH (click here)

Frightbytes(R) Zombie Hell
© 2015-Hell Freezes Over