Frightbytes Zombie Text Adventure

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You decided it would be best to change the tire. You go to the trunk and find the jack and a spare tire. You quickly get the job done only to find you're not alone. This was a trap and you are the prey.

A group of scraggly humans surround you. They all look insane. CANNIBALS. You decide they won't take you without a fight but being greatly outnumbered you lose. During the struggle you are knocked unconscious.

When you awake you find yourself in a makeshift cage in a dirty dingy cabin. On the walls are knives and other instruments hanging up. Also on the walls are skeletal remains of animals. On a table several more bloody knives and cleavers lay.

Other cages are in this room. Several have other people in them. Some aren't moving and appear to be missing limbs. In the distance you hear someone screaming in agony.

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Frightbytes(R) Zombie Hell
© 2015-Hell Freezes Over