Frightbytes Zombie Text Adventure

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You have decided to enter the cave. It's pitch black once inside the cave and you have absolutely no supplies, except your knife and some matches. You light the match and immediately sense you're not alone. You drop the match and with arms outstretched you run in the darkness. The floor gives way and you have fallen into a hole. Now there is no way out!

You begin reaching out in the darkness again when you kick something with your foot. You reach down and find what appears to be a flashlight. You now have light. Maybe it will keep the creature away.

The light reveals this smaller cave with several boxes. In the boxes you find some survival gear, a gun, and some ammo. There is a ladder leaning against a cave wall so you'll be able to get out of here.

LEAVE CAVE NOW? (click here)


Frightbytes(R) Zombie Hell
© 2015-Hell Freezes Over