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You aim the gun - the dog is ready to charge the zombie. Just as your finger tightens on the trigger the zombie calls out raspily "waittttttttttt". What kind of zombie is this you wonder.

Slowly and with much difficulty due to a rotting larynx the zombie explains that he's not a danger to humans. There isn't a craving for brains and flesh as he's not a zombie. The military obtained a vaccine that altered the effects of the zombie plague. The problem with the vaccine was that it hadn't been tested, the military personnel in this camp were guinea pigs. Everyone who had been given the vaccine soon died. Everyone except him. When the other soldiers died they came back as zombies. He had to kill everyone in the camp.

His theory of his survival is that during a zombie attack he had no choice but to lock himself in the nuclear reactor core area. The radiation killed the effects of the vaccine but the result is what stands before you now. Radiation poisoning eating him from the inside out. The area is still a hazard due to continuous radiation leakage from the damaged reactor.

You follow him down into a bunker. Heavy steel reinforced doors close behind you. The reactor room is ahead.

He beckons you to follow. You notice missing fingers from his corpselike hand.

Should you trust this creature?

SURE, WHY NOT? (click here)

HE'S A MESS, NO WAY! (click here)

Frightbytes(R) Zombie Hell
© 2015-Hell Freezes Over