Frightbytes Zombie Text Adventure

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You begin walking into the darkened subway tunnel. Empty trains sit on the tracks, their windows smeared with dried blood. Further down is the scene of a battle. Barricades and military weapons have been ripped apart and thrown around, skeletons of soldiers are buried in the rubble. This isn't the work of zombies, giant clawlike gashes are etched in the subway walls. On the ground is paperwork, some of it marked "classified". You pick up what appears to be a print-out of an email.

Without a doubt the message is from the scientist.
His message wasn't taken seriously.
Looking ahead it's evident you can go no further.
The subway ceiling is caved in.
You have no choice but to turn back and see where the maintenance hallways and tunnels will lead you.


Frightbytes(R) Zombie Hell
© 2015-Hell Freezes Over