Frightbytes Zombie Text Adventure

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You have chosen to continue along this road. Daylight is gone and moonlight is hidden in foggy mist. As you walk along a shape begins to come out of the fog. It's just an abandoned truck. It doesn't look like it's been out here for long. Maybe there's some useful supplies left behind in it. As you walk over to the drivers door you realize you're not alone. Too late....two zombies are feasting on the driver. Their corpse-like faces look up with you, their mouths filled with bloody human organs. As you try to run away one of the zombies grabs your leg and you fall. Out of the fog more zombies come attracted by the smell of blood. They fall upon you ripping you apart and eating you alive.

Bon appetit! You should have investigated the cabin.

GO TO THE CABIN (click here)

Frightbytes(R) Zombie Hell
© 2015-Hell Freezes Over