Frightbytes Zombie Text Adventure

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Traveling alone you can cover up your tracks better and won't have to compete with the others for supplies or a safe place to stay. Whether the captives are eaten by the cannibals or the zombies really makes little difference.

It may take the other cannibals awhile to figure out who escaped and what to do next. All you know for sure is they'll be furious and wanting your head. You killed their butcher.

The winter night is very cold, snow is falling, and you need shelter.

You travel in the woods a few hours and eventually find yourself at a fork in the pathway. One leads downward to a valley where you see a small cabin - the other leads upward to a possible cave entrance.

ENTER THE CABIN? (click here)

ENTER THE CAVE? (click here)

Frightbytes(R) Zombie Hell
© 2015-Hell Freezes Over